Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hook Worm

(Hook Worms)

Hookworms are a parasitic nematode
that live in the soil and hook on to flesh
when someone and eats through and flows through
the blood stream and then hook on to the
intestines and sucks all of the blood out.

Fluke Worm

(Fluke Worm)

Fluke worms are also known as trematodes.They can cause serious health problems to humans. The most common locations for infection are in Africa and they be in america because of food getting imported from these areas.      

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Box Jellyfish

( Jellyfish )

The Box Jellyfish is the most venemous animal alive. When someone gets stung by one surfing before they can get back to
                                     shore they die of heart failure. They are found in northern oceans of Australia.

Tube Sponge

( Tube Sponge )

             The Most common type of sponge is the tube sponge they come in many colors blue, grey, purple, green, and yellow are the most common colors.
Tube sponges can grow up to be at least three feet long and they live at a depth of 15-100 feet on the drop-off zone.
They are mainly found in the Gulf of Mexico or the Caribbean.